Support for creation

The Festival supports creation. It provides long-term support to artists and companies at national and international level, through financial support and/or residencies for research and creation.

Companies supported in 2022-2023

Photographie de Gérard Rancinan –
  • 2022-2023

La (nouvelle) Ronde / Théâtre de Romette – France

Based on La Ronde by Arthur Schnitzler
After Hen, Johanny Bert continues his theatrical account of current sexual and love identities. He wishes to deepen the subject through a more political and societal theatrical writing. The collaboration with a contemporary author is always at the center of his work, associated with an aesthetic research of puppet bodies.
Creation October 2022

Company website
© Simon Gosselin
  • 2022-2023

Tout le monde est là / Rodéo théâtre – France

Tout le monde est là
The starting point is the figure of Simon’s maternal grandfather, the director. He didn’t know him, but he met him in the family stories: a crazy and fascinating life, on the fringe of the classic family models. In the mirror of this story, there is the one that is being built: Simon is a recent father of twins resulting from a GPA (surrogate motherhood) in the United States. To enter the fiction, the author François Cervantes proposes to project the story 40 years later. The daughters, now adults, will summon the grandfather to the stage, and with him an incredible family epic over four generations.
Creation FMTM 2023

Company website
© DR
  • 2022-2023

Die Haut / Collectif Toter Winkel – France

A seductive and enigmatic character, a passionate academic specializing in the figure of the anatomical skinner, gives a scientific conference on the subject of the body and its utopia. One discusses. One questions. But there is something else. Like a tension in the air. An anxiety spreads. This speaker, what is he really talking about? What is he implying? Who is he? Is he a doctor? Surgeon? Psychologist? Why is he obsessed with anatomical flayers? One thing leading to another, we think we understand. We hope to be wrong. What if, under the guise of a conference, he was trying to include us in his project: removing his skin entirely?
Creation December 2022

Company website
© DR
  • 2022-2023

Le Horla / Jonas Coutancier – France

A free adaptation of the eponymous novel by Guy de Maupassant, Le Horla tells the story of a man’s descent into hell in 97 days, after living a peaceful life until then. What could be more disturbing than imagining oneself to be one’s worst enemy? On day 1, the man is fine but the next day he is struck by migraines. Cycles follow in which the character struggles to extricate himself from the grip of this evil that suffocates him and forces him to lock himself up at home. In a final attempt to get rid of it, he ends up burning his house after being convinced that he has locked up his enemy, in vain. “No, without a doubt, he is not dead. So… I’ll have to kill myself!
Production: CDN de Normandie-Rouen – Les Anges au Plafond
Creation autumn 2022

Company website
© Christophe Loiseau
  • 2022-2023

L’Odeur du gel / Cie Brûlante – France

L’Odeur du Gel is a scenic poem, a vague sketch, a dream of the Great North, a dreamlike journey distorted by desire. It is an encounter with the monsters of the Great North. An imaginary bestiary inhabited by creatures of furs and bodies, humans, animals, feet, hands, pink toes that pierce the snow, twisted backs that emerge from a cave, guttural growls, fabrics, hair, scales appear and disappear like mirages to the rhythm of the taiga whose heart beats under the snow, whose heart beats to the rhythm of the throat games.
Creation December 2022

Company website
© Angela Deane
  • 2022-2023

Disparaître : Fantômes ! / La Mâchoire 36 – France

Disappear: Ghosts! proposes to make the invisible visible and to question disappearance through the figure of the ghost.
How to make present the absence? Do we have to disappear to appear? A white sheet that both hides and reveals a presence.
On stage: an actor, a stage manager, objects and ghosts.
A plastic and bricolage show, of tricks where we play to believe in what we see. The process of creation and evocation of ghosts is visible and at the center of the project.
Creation January 2023

Company website
© Juliette Clabaux
  • 2022-2023

Ceux qui pensent avoir raison / Le Printemps du machiniste – France

Not wanting to hear or see anything anymore. To be alone with oneself.
To plunge into the deep and black abyss. Holding your breath and leaving the world for a few seconds.
With an actress, an actor, a rapper, a puppet and 3000 liters of rainwater, the company wishes to address those who no longer feel concerned, those who have stopped believing. Are we so exhausted from being together that we let ourselves sink?
Creation spring 2024

Company website
© Antoine Blanquart
  • 2022-2023

Les Géants / Compagnie Karyatides – Belgium

At the Giants, we eat until we are thirsty, we fart, we rule strangely, we exploit the good people, we take advice, we do as we please, we get drunk, we cheat at the game, we think over our heads, we take to the sea to seek an ideal, we run aground on unknown shores, we stir the wind, we deflate, we attack the source of the problem, we cause joyful cataclysms, we eat again, we ride the fantastic, we border on bad taste and we take bladders for lanterns. A bitter Rabelaisian satire on the crudeness of the world, where the hope of a better world will eventually get the better of the constipated of change.
Creation December 2022

Company website
© Cie Les Bas-bleus
  • 2022-2023

Gourmandise / Cie Les bas-bleus – France

In the text Mange ! by F. Chaffin, Mange is a little girl devoured by curiosity. To satisfy this appetite, she swallows everything in her path with envy. Philosopher and funny, she is often irreverent and perfectly free from the shackles of self-righteousness and adult logic. The audience, like the characters in the story, plunges like Alice into her world of unbridled fantasy, right inside her body. Accompanied by various foods which will be used to him then as seats, the public is invited to be swallowed by Mange. It thus takes place inside a phantasmagorical stomach, epicenter of the emotions like a small theater, created by the artist Louise Duneton.
Creation January 2023

Company website
© Daniel Ferreira et Guilherme Gnomo
  • 2022-2023

Fables anthropophages pour les jours fascistes / Pigmaliao escultura que mexe – Brazil

This new creation by Eduardo Félix proposes a reflection on current Western morality. Based on a mixture of Aesop’s fables and the texts of Brazilian philosopher Márcia Tiburi, the piece features realistic string puppets with skinless muscles and carefully sculpted animal heads, all manipulated with disconcerting precision.
The human body and the animal body, the living and the artificial, the flesh and the skin, the threads and the blood, the meat and the wood, the organic and the mechanical are here tools to open spaces of reflection on morality.
Creation autumn 2023 at the FMTM

Company website