
These educational resources will allow you to learn about puppetry (see films and padlets). 
For any other information, Cécile Purière is at your disposal at 03 24 59 70 62 and

Report on 2023 artistic and cultural activities

Of course, the World Festival of Puppets Theaters (FMTM) is an explosion of shows, workshops, meetings, debates and parties held every other year for 10 days! But it’s also the organization of artistic and cultural actions that take place throughout the year in crèches, schools, colleges, high schools, EHPADs, bars, hospitals and the prison. Although these actions are more “confidential”, they remain essential to the FMTM’s project and contribute to a puppetry artistic continuity in Charleville-Mézières and the Ardennes.

Padlets and videos

The puppet cases

The “puppet cases” are a playful tool to discover the arts of contemporary puppetry and to deepen some techniques. In few hours, they invite to play and allow to experiment concretely the bases of the manipulation of puppet techniques, with the help of a puppeteer. After the discovery with an artist, these pedagogical cases can be used independently in class or in group.