Become a sponsor

Being a sponsor of the Festival means taking part in an artistic project that is unique in the world; it means participating in the dynamics of a territory; it means promoting artistic awakening and giving access to culture to all.


Thanks to our sponsors

Thanks to Seb Choriol, Mazda Mofid, Michel H, Scopitone&Cie and Eric Chauveau.

Thanks to

École de Flandres, collège Rimbaud, lycées Sévigné and Chanzy, mairies de Monthermé, Aiglemont and Rimogne, Chambre de Métiers et de l’Artisanat Ardennes, IME de Glaire, Ardennes Thiérache, AAPH, Agence de Développement Touristique des Ardennes, Office de tourisme de Charleville/Sedan en Ardenne.

We are a partner of Cultures du Cœur Champagne-Ardenne, an association that promotes access to cultural, sporting and leisure activities for people in economic and/or social difficulty. We provide invitations to our shows and open our doors for discovery tours, visits, workshops, etc.