Support for creation

The Festival supports creation. It provides long-term support to artists and companies at national and international level, through financial supportand/or residencies for research and creation.

Companies supported in 2018-2019

  • 2018-2019

Collectif Ma-Théâ & Ljubljana Puppet Theatre – France/Slovénie

“Coucou / Kuku”
Coucou is a show for toddlers, from 18 months, which uses the graphic constructions of the artist Lucie Félix as a starting point. We discover, we share, we hide, we scare each other, we have fun, we revive our individual and collective joy.
Création May 2019

Company website
  • 2018-2019

Compagnie Tantôt – France

“Souvenirs d’un amnésique”
Eric Bézy, alone on stage, recalls his adolescence through the true experience of an amnesia that struck him for 24 hours. While he tells his story sitting behind a table, his hands are busy making an original film. The show combines object theatre and stop motion video.
Création FMTM 2019

Company website
  • 2018-2019

Compagnie Trois-six-trente – France

“Alors Carcasse”
So Carcasse is an epic poem in which the character’s name appears 301 times, making Carcasse the undisputed central character. Directed by Bérangère Vanstusso, the company has a hybrid creative approach, at the crossroads of plastic arts and theatre, where puppets and actors meet.
Création FMTM 2019

Company website
  • 2018-2019

La Main d’Œuvres – France

“Le rêve d’une ombre”
Le rêve d’une ombre (The dream of a shadow) is a link between a dreamlike universe and the world of today. It is a question of body, soul and reflection. A mise en abîme of the shadow and its double in front of a sharp mirror reflecting only in black and white, in shadow and light.
Création FMTM 2019

Company website
  • 2018-2019

Théâtre La Licorne – France

“L’homme qui rit”
A great baroque epic, The Man Who Laughs is one of Victor Hugo’s great novels. Fairground theatre and the manipulation of objects, it is a whole universe that mixes the fairy tale, the horror film, theatrical fantasy, the most implacable cruelty and offbeat humour.
Création november 2018

Company website
© Hugo Honorato
  • 2018-2019

Pigmaliao Escultura que mexe – Brésil

“Macunaïma Gourmet”
Macunaïma Gourmet is a show inspired by the character of the same name, Macunaïma, the hero of the novel by Mario de Andrade, who himself borrowed from myths inherited from traditional Brazilian culture.
Création september 2019

Company website
  • 2018-2019

Yokaï – France

“Gimme shelter (Donne-moi un abri)”
Is there any place today where we can still feel “safe”? Through a phenomenon identified in Japan as “Hikikomori” (people who choose not to leave their homes for an indefinite period of time), this project talks about our relationship to the inside and the outside today, in view of the visible and invisible threats that surround us.
Création september 2019

Company website
  • 2018-2019

Compagnie À – France

“Autour de Babel”
Through object theatre, the company tells how a century after the writing of Stefan Zweig’s short story (The Tower of Babel – 1916), and millennia after the origin of this myth, it finds many echoes in the present day, at a time of political and religious radicalism, xenophobia, homophobia, and the turning in on oneself of individuals and nations?
Création september 2019

Company website
  • 2018-2019

Compagnie À – France

“La Conquête”
In a short 45-minute form, “La Conquête” explores the major forces of colonisation through object theatre and the body-castlet, in the tone of derision and humour characteristic of the À Compagnie.
Création March 2018

Company website
  • 2018-2019

Collapse – France

“Maïdan Inferno”
Collapse is a shadow and puppet theatre company in Lyon working with contemporary artists and authors of different nationalities. The company is adapting here a text by Ukrainian Neda Nejdana, Maïdan Inferno.
Création september 2019

Company website