Support for creation

The Festival supports creation. It provides long-term support to artists and companies at national and international level, through financial supportand/or residencies for research and creation.

Companies supported in 2014-2015

© Robin Montrau
  • 2014-2015

Point Zéro – Belgique

“Borgia”, comédie contemporaine
A new comedy by the Brussels-based company in which humour and cruelty are the order of the day, with actors and large puppets whose faces oscillate between disturbing realism and caricature.

Company website
© Petr Kurecka
  • 2014-2015

DudaPaiva company – Pays-Bas

A new solo by Duda Paivan a visual journey into a deep trauma, the experience of a temporarily blind person, based on his own story as a child.

Company website
© Yves Gabriel
  • 2014-2015

Compagnie Karyatides – Belgique

“Les Misérables”
Two actresses, figurines to represent the characters and objects to embody notions, Karine Birgé and Marie Delhaye have chosen a raw, stripped down and intimate aesthetic for their adaptation of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables.

Company website