• Les Lubies · ESNAM 3

Enfant d’éléphant

© Vincent Nadal
  • Friday 20 September, 10:00-11:00, Nevers
  • Friday 20 September, 15:00-16:00, Nevers
  • Saturday 21 September, 16:00-17:00, Nevers
  • Saturday 21 September, 19:00-20:00, Nevers
  • Sunday 22 September, 10:00-11:00, Nevers


From 6 years old


  • Matière
  • Objets
  • Shadow theatre

Back in the old days, when elephants only had one trumpet, a child elephant, as curious as anyone, spends his days questioning his family about the whys and wherefores of the things around him. He wants to understand the world. One day, he asks THE question that will send shivers down the spine of Africa and change the lives of the elephants forever. In a set inspired by the plants and colours of African fabrics, and using meticulously cut-out silhouettes, the company plunges the spectator into a flamboyant and luminous universe. They tell stories, act and manipulate around a circular screen projecting colourful shadows. Created from objects and materials such as carboys, coloured glass bottles and potato nets, the shadows create whimsical, phantasmagorical impressions.

Directed, performed and manipulated by Sonia Millot and Vincent Nadal; Graphic design by Sonia Millot; Music and sound design by Hervé Rigaud; Musicians by Hervé Rigaud and Marc Closier; Construction by J-L Petit, Cédric Queau, Marion Guérin, Khang N Guyen: Hervé Rigaud and Marc Closier

Co-productions and support: DRAC Nouvelle Aquitaine, OARA, IDDAC, Ville de Bordeaux, Espace Jéliote Oloron Sainte Marie-CNMa, Théâtre Ducourneau Agen-SC Musique, Théâtre du Cloître Bellac-SC d’intérêt national art et territoire, Agglomération Pays Basque, Centre Culturel Simone Signoret Canéjan, La Boîte à jouer Bordeaux, L’Atelier des marches Le Bouscat ; Label ART & ENVIRONNEMENT – Scènes d’été en Gironde 2023

This show is supported by the Office Artistique de la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine (OARA)