Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes

Workshops and meetings

Events for all audiences during the FMTM 23

During the FMTM 2023, events for the general public were scheduled at various venues, including exhibitions, meetings with artists, debates and themed discussions…

FMTM 23 workshops

As part of the FMTM 2023, workshops for all ages were offered with the companies scheduled for the Festival.

Discussions with artists

As part of the FMTM 2023, meetings between the audience and the artistic teams were held after the following performances:

Suzy, Xannax Princesse Guerrière: Monday 18 at 3pm
Le Horla, Jonas Coutancier: Tuesday 19 at 10am
Chemin des Métaphores, Signe Diesel: Tuesday 19 at 2pm
Les Géants, Karyatides: Tuesday 19 at 8pm
Gourmandise, Cie Les Bas bleus: Wednesday 20 at 10am
Amathia, Blick Theatre: Wednesday 20 at 9pm
L’Odeur du Gel, Brûlante: Thursday 21 at 2pm
Le Poids de l’âme, Wow cie: Thursday 21 at 6pm
Le Songe d’une Nuit d’Eté, Point Zéro: Thursday 21 at 8pm
Unravel, Hold Up: Friday 22 at 10am

Puppet Carolo Club 

This puppet-lovers’ club organises outings to shows at reduced prices throughout the region. To sign up, contact Claire Pellerier