The FMTM has a new president

© Hervé Dapremont

On 13 September 2022, after three years as president of the Petits Comédiens de Chiffons, Jean-Pierre Lescot will hand over his post to Philippe Choulet. A professor of philosophy, he has been running the “Café-philo-mario” during the Festival since 2011.

Currently (2022)
Honorary professor of Philosophy in the “Lettres Supérieure 2e Année Ulm-Paris” class at the Lycée Fustel de Coulanges (Strasbourg) and in the “Classe de Préparatoire HEC 2e Année” at the Lycée Kléber in Strasbourg. Retired on 31 August 2013.
Professor of Art History and Media at the Emile Cohl School in Lyon and Angoulême.