• Puppentheater Magdeburg · Allemagne


Past event
© Viktoria Kühne
  • Saturday 16 September, 15:00-15:50, Delvincourt
  • Saturday 16 September, 21:00-21:50, Delvincourt
  • Sunday 17 September, 11:00-11:50, Delvincourt
  • Sunday 17 September, 16:00-16:50, Delvincourt


From 12 years old


  • String puppets

When two puppeteer directors, Julika Mayer and Elise Vigneron, pull the strings of their relationship to the world with the performers of the Magdeburg Historical Puppet Theatre in Germany, it gives rise to a reflection on the need to be connected, on the effort required to remain connected.

Concept, direction, set design and costumes: Élise Vigneron (Théâtre de l’Entrouvert), Julika Mayer
Space and lighting: Joachim Fleischer
Musical creation: Ensemble Shan (Ariel Tessier, Julien Pontvianne, Pascal Charrier, Cati Delolme – Compagnie Naï No Production )
Dramaturgy and production: Petra Szemacha
Acting: Luisa Grüning, Annina Mosimann, Freda Winter, Leonhard Schubert, Kaspar Weith
Artistic collaboration: Jana Weichelt
Outsiders: Charlot Lemoine, Frank Bernhardt
Sound recording: François Charrier
Head of Puppentheater Magdeburg construction workshops: Christian Sasse
Technical director: Tobias Körner
Seamstress: Juliane Kühn
Translator: Marie Yan
Stage and general management: Christian Sasse
Sound and lighting: Joachim Fleischer, Max Merlin Wende

Production: Puppentheater Magdeburg (Germany)
Coproduction: le Théâtre de l’Entrouvert (Apt 84) / le Velo Théâtre, scène conventionnée (Apt 84) – le Théâtre export Deutschland, as part of Objets & Marionnettes / FOKUS 20.21 – Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant Transfabrik
Support: Institut Français / Ministère de la Culture, DGCA / Financed with funds from the Federal Theatre Prize 2019 of the IIT Centre of the Federal Republic of Germany / Goethe Institut, Nancy