• Vivarium Studio · France

Maulwürfe (Taupes)

Past event
© Martin Argyroglo
  • Saturday 17 September, 19:00, Place Ducale


All audiences

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  • Inhabited puppets


At night, Maulwürfe, a band consisting of giant moles, come out from their caves for a memorable concert!
Their music is influenced by all kind of underground sounds, from soft electronic music to growling punk melodies.

Conception: Philippe Quesne
With: Léo Gobin, Erwan Ha Kyoon Larcher, Sébastien Jacobs, Thomas Suire, Gaëtan Vourc’h and Jean-Charles Dumay
Costumes: Corine Petitpierre, assisted by ’Anne Tesson

Production: Vivarium Studio
Created in 2016 for the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Bruxelles and co-produced by Nanterre-Amandiers, CDN.

© Martin Argyroglo