• La Soupe Compagnie · ESNAM 4

Et puis

© Raoul Gilibert
  • Friday 20 September, 10:00-10:45, Centre Culturel de Nouzonville
  • Friday 20 September, 14:00-14:45, Centre Culturel de Nouzonville
  • Saturday 21 September, 10:00-10:45, Centre Culturel de Nouzonville
  • Saturday 21 September, 15:00-15:45, Centre Culturel de Nouzonville


From 4 years old

No text

  • Marionnettes
  • Ombres
  • Projections

ET PUIS is a large, poetic and surprising picture book that showcases all the subtlety and originality of Icinori’s graphic work. By adapting this album for the stage, the company is inviting young audiences to immerse themselves in a vast visual and musical fresco: the story of a wild, lush landscape transformed from season to season by mysterious characters, part man, part tool. This metamorphosis of nature is punctuated by a multitude of micro-narratives: animals, humans and fantastic creatures come together to give us a glimpse of the richness and abundance of this world. Somewhere between realism and fantasy, like a gentle introduction to ecology, this dreamlike journey explores the intimate and complex links between human beings and nature.

Free shuttle to and from the Centre Culturel de Nouzonville: departs from rue Noël 30 minutes before the show (9.30am, 1.30pm and 2.30pm) and returns after the show.

Authors: Icinori; Adaptation: Éric Domenicone & Yseult Welschinger; Stage direction: Éric Domenicone; Acting: Yseult Welschinger, Faustine Lancel, Maxime Scherrer; Music: Antoine Arlot, Pierre Boespflug; Puppet creation: Yseult Welschinger with Vitalia Samuilova; Shadow and pop-up creation: Éric Domenicone; Set design: Éric Domenicone, Yseult Welschinger; Collaboration on set design: Antonin Bouvret; Lighting design: Chris Caridi, Eric Domenicone; Stage management: Maxime Scherrer; Video animation: Marine Drouard; Set construction: Vincent Frossard; Broadcast production: Babette Gatt

Co-production: MAC Scène Nationale de Créteil (93), Le Manège Scène Nationale, Maubeuge (59), Maison des Arts du Léman, Thonon les Bains (74), La Passerelle, Rixheim (68), Scène Conventionnée Jean Houdremont – La Courneuve (93), La Méridienne Scène Conventionnée, Théâtre de Lunéville (54), Cie du Pilier des Anges / Théâtre Halle Roublot, Fontenay-sous-Bois (94) ; Soutiens : Agence Culturelle Grand Est (67), La Minoterie Scène Conventionnée, Dijon (21), Le PréO, Oberhausbergen (67), la DRAC Grand Est, La Collectivité européenne d’Alsace. La Soupe Cie is supported by the Région Grand Est and the City of Strasbourg.