• Stammer productions / Colette Sadler · Écosse

Strange Garden

Past event
© Mikko Gaestel
  • Friday 16 September, 10:00, MJC Calonne
  • Friday 16 September, 14:00, MJC Calonne
  • Saturday 17 September, 10:00, MJC Calonne
  • Saturday 17 September, 17:00, MJC Calonne


From 5 years old

No text

  • Objects theatre
  • Puppets and dance

Slowly, a landscape populated by weird creatures comes to life. Inspired by a clash of natural and technological forms these creatures look like things we recognize from everyday life but have taken on special powers. Here, in the strange garden, things are not as they normally seem. If these creatures are not human like us, who or what are they? Animal, mineral or plant? Should we be frightened of them? Are they our friends?

Concept and choreography: Colette Sadler
Stage management: Leah Marojevic
Performance : Joséphine Auffray, Samir Kennedy, Cian Mc Conn, Maciej Sado
Set, costumes, lights: Philine Rinnert
Technique: Ralf Arndt
Music: Mikko Gaestel
Distribution: Catherine Launay

Production: Stammer productions Ltd.
Coproduction: Fonds Transfabrik – Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant, L’échangeur – CDCN Hauts-de-France, Offensive Tanz für junges Publikum Berlin (subventionné par TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund avec le soutien de la chargée du gouvernement fédéral pour la Culture et les Médias), le département de la Culture et de l’Europe du Sénat de Berlin
Supports: NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ – Fonds de soutien pour la coproduction – Danse – subventionné par la chargée du gouvernement fédéral pour la Culture et les Médias