Prices and booking

Temps d’M 2024

The Mario Carte

For 15 euros, it gives access to all Festival shows for 9 euros.

Reduced price*, the card costs 14 euros gives access to all Festival shows for 9 euros.
For 0-17 years old, the card at 11 euros gives access to all Festival shows for 6 euros.

The Mario Carte (dematerialized) available at the ticket office or online. 

Je la prends !


With cardWithout card
Adult reduced price*914
0 > 17 years old**611
Single price***66
Group of 10 pers. min. and CE 14€ / adult • 9€ / child //
* jobseekers, students, young people aged 18 to 25, large family, RSA, AAH recipient, Pass Culture (after validation on the application). 
**On presentation of an identity document. 
***Only for Hybridités, Cartes blanches and the shows Les Rois and Sous l’arbre 



New : dematerialized ticketing available 

By post

Booking form sent, followed by payment (by bank transfer or cheque) within 7 days (once the booking has been validated by the ticketing department).
+33 (0)3 24 59 90 95

On the spot

9 to 17 September: Monday to Friday, 3.30pm to 6.30pm
18 to 22 September: daily, 9am to 7pm (closed at 5pm on Sunday 22nd)


Please do not hesitate to contact us to organise your visit to the venues on +33 (0)3 24 59 70 62 or 

For schools

+33 (0)3 24 59 70 62 /