Puppetry and animation cinema 

Past event
© Hervé Dapremont
  • Monday 18 September, 14:00-17:15, 75 Forest avenue
Artistic, training and cooperation issues 

These two artistic fields can be qualified as neighbours or cousins. Although they have been communicating for some time, it seems that the potentialities of exchanges and cooperation can be amplified. The Gand Est Region, which hosts puppet companies, production houses, training, production and diffusion structures (active in this sense) can be part of these new potentialities. 

After a round table which allows to come back on the artistic and professional stakes (initial and continuous training, possible bridges), a time of ore interactive exchanges is proposed, associating young people in training, artists, training structures, producers. The meeting is animated by Jérôme Descamps, director of La Pellicule Ensorcelée. Followed by a cocktail reception.