• Julika Mayer et Karoline Hoffmann · Allemagne


Past event
© Nasser Hashemi
  • Saturday 23 September, 15:30-16:05, Arc-en-ciel
  • Saturday 23 September, 17:30-18:05, Arc-en-ciel
  • Sunday 24 September, 09:30-10:05, Arc-en-ciel


From 2 years old

Without words

The puppeteer delves into an unknown world which is all gold and light. “The thing” flies, floats, unfolds, scatters, shimmers, bristles, vanishes, multiplies…how to catch this uncontrollable thing ? With hands, feet, hair, a broom, a hair dryer even… an enthralling performance for a life blanket!

Director: Julika Mayer
Set and lighting: Joachim Fleischer
Music: Sébastian Herzfeldr
Performance: Karoline Hoffmann

Coproduction: Die Theater Chemnitz

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