Alcohol the exhibition 

  • Saturday 16 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM
  • Sunday 17 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM
  • Monday 18 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM
  • Tuesday 19 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM
  • Wednesday 20 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM
  • Thursday 21 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM
  • Friday 22 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM
  • Saturday 23 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM
  • Sunday 24 September, 10:00-18:00, IIM

An immersive exhibition imagined by Aurélie Hubeau, a puppeteer from Ardennes, as a result of her meeting with patients from the addictology department of the Bélair Hospital.Inspired by their testimonies, these women will build characters, visions of themselves, which will be exhibited at the 2023 Festival. Their plastic creations will be accompanied by sound pieces.

As part of a Culture and Health project with the FMTM – DRAC Grand-Est – Agence Régionale de Santé Grand-Est – Produced by Aurélie Hubeau, Cie Méandres – Sound design by Pierre Badaroux with patients and carers from the Michel Fontan addictology unit and the day hospital at the Centre Hospitalier Bélair- CMP d’addictologie Marcel Méhaut in Charleville-Mézières – Acknowledgements Cécile Sylla – Brigitte Briet