• Cie Les Yeux Creux · France


World premiere
Past event
© Hervé Dapremont
  • Thursday 21 September, 16:30-17:00, ESNAM
  • Thursday 21 September, 21:00-21:30, ESNAM


From 16 years old

Without words

Terror portrays absolute suffering. A free being is locked in some nightmarish limbo. The puppeteer rescues him and gives it movement, breathing and a voice, to express human condition. Empathy helps us understand the écorché’s angst, and as we identify with his sensitivity and his humanity.

Performance and design: Antonin Lebrun
Stage direction: Simon Le Doaré
Lighting design: Vincent Bourcier

Support: Maison du Théatre (Brest 29) / Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes (Charleville Mézières 08) / Itinéraires d’Artiste(s) (29 – 35- 76 – 44)