• À demain mon amour · ESNAM 7

Sous l’arbre

Past event
© Virginie Meigné
  • Friday 20 September, 15:00-15:25, MCL Ma Bohème
  • Friday 20 September, 17:00-17:25, MCL Ma Bohème
  • Saturday 21 September, 09:30-09:55, MCL Ma Bohème
  • Saturday 21 September, 11:00-11:25, MCL Ma Bohème
  • Saturday 21 September, 17:00-17:25, MCL Ma Bohème
  • Sunday 22 September, 09:30-09:55, MCL Ma Bohème
  • Sunday 22 September, 11:00-11:25, MCL Ma Bohème
  • Sunday 22 September, 17:00-17:25, MCL Ma Bohème


From 3 months old

No text

  • Carried puppets
  • Marionnettes à gaine
  • Marionnettes à tiges

On opposite sides of the same tree, two people enjoy a sweet moment in nature. They don’t know each other, so they walk around the tree without passing each other until they finally meet. Inside the tree live puppet animals who poke their noses in when they feel like it and play with the two visitors. As for the tree, it lives its life as a tree at its own pace, feeling its branches dance in the wind and bask in the light. The À demain mon amour company invites contemplation and lets the very young experience autonomy. In this space of interaction between the show and the child, the adult will have the opportunity to see the child in a different setting, from a different point of view, in direct contact with his or her emotions…

25 min.+ 25min. of music listening and reading

Stage direction: Guillaume Hunout; Performance: Mila Baleva, Pierre Tual alternating with Guillaume Hunout; Set design: Guillaume Hunout assisted by Mila Baleva and Pierre Tual; Construction: Claire Chautemps; Puppets: Pierre Tual and Polina Borisova; Music: Guillaume Hunout

Co-productions and support: Maison de la Culture et des Loisirs de Gauchy, La Halle Ô Grains-Ville de Bayeux, Isigny-Omaha Intercom, L’arbre tiers lieu agriculturel, Espace Senghor-Verson ; Ce projet a reçu l’aide à la création de la DRAC Normandie et du département du Calvados / Project supported by the DRAC Normandie and the CAF de Seine-Maritime et de la Manche as part of the artists’ residency programme for the artistic and cultural development of 0-3 year-olds.