• Cie Les Yeux Creux · France

Mamm Gozh

Past event
© Les Yeux Creux
  • Friday 16 September, 16:00, Place Ducale
  • Saturday 17 September, 11:00, Place Ducale
  • Saturday 17 September, 14:00, Place Ducale


All audiences

Franco-Breton gobbledygook

  • Carried puppets

In her flowered suitcases, Mamm Gozh keeps her treasures, her childhood toys.
If you ask her nicely, she will be happy to sit down with you and tell you a story… that you won’t understand but that’s okay, it’s fun anyway.

Conception and construction: Antonin Lebrun
Writing: Antonin Lebrun and Lætitia Labre
Interpretation: Antonin Lebrun and Lætitia Labre

Production: Les Yeux Creux
With the support of La Maison du Théâtre in Brest (29)

© Les Yeux Creux