The CNMa, and around?

Past event
© Hervé Dapremont
  • Tuesday 19 September, 09:30-12:30, 75 Forest avenue
Latitude Marionnette

In 2022, 6 structures have obtained the label of National Puppet Centre. This is a major step forward for the puppetry sector, but it is only a starting point. The sector remains fragile and the problems associated with producing and distributing works are still very present. How can we link up with other festivals and structures in the sector? How will the CNMAs fit into the national network for the dissemination of multidisciplinary performing arts? In the face of economic and ecological difficulties, what new avenues of cooperation should be explored? How can other forms of operation be envisaged? 

A time for discussion, to try and invent or re-invent new ways of working together that reflect the innovative strength of this sector over the last 50 years.