• Domia Production · Tunisie

Le voyage

Past event
© Romaric Ibrahim
  • Tuesday 19 September, 15:00-15:40, Dubois-Crancé
  • Tuesday 19 September, 20:00-20:40, Dubois-Crancé
  • Wednesday 20 September, 10:00-10:40, Dubois-Crancé


From 16 years old

Without words

  • Carried puppets

It took the creative genius of Habiba Jendoubi to explore the mind of a woman who just had a breast removed because of cancer, using puppets. The show portrays hope and the act of taking back control of one’s life, without words, using music and dance. It is a delicate, universal homage.

Direction : Habiba Jendoubi
Acting : Ons Gannoun
Manipulation : Adnen Jendoubi