
Past event
© Clément Caron
  • Saturday 16 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium
  • Sunday 17 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium
  • Monday 18 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium
  • Tuesday 19 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium
  • Wednesday 20 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium
  • Thursday 21 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium
  • Friday 22 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium
  • Saturday 23 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium
  • Sunday 24 September, 09:00-00:00, L'Animaginarium

“The Animaginarium”, installed on rue Pierre Gillet, is a dreamlike laboratory imagined by the Yôkaï company, where one can glimpse through a window snippets of invisible animation slowly taking shape. 

As part of the Cité des arts de la Marionnette de Charleville-Mézières – Design Violaine Fimbel – Imachinator Marjan Kunaver – 3D Modelling Aleksander Andzelovic – Research and construction Maud Berthier – Marta Pereira – Nicolas Poix – Video Sylvain Vallas – Space rehabilitation Eric Mauget – Production and development Julie Le Corre