• Point Zéro · Belgique

Le Songe d’une nuit d’été

Past event
© Debby Termonia
  • Thursday 21 September, 20:00-21:40, Bayard
  • Friday 22 September, 10:00-11:40, Bayard
  • Friday 22 September, 14:00-15:40, Bayard


From 12 years old


  • Carried puppets

This adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is above all a comedy. A kind of fairy tale vaudeville. A poetic and amorous epic in the Shakespearian forests, where passions and secrets are revealed, lovers are pursued in a crossroads with elves and fairies of a very special kind. For one night, male and female merge and exchange in a playful and uninhibited way. Nothing is true, nothing is false; everything is a dream or a lie…

Thursday 21 at 8pm meeting with the artists after the show.

Adapted and directed by Jean-Michel d’Hoop
Assistant director: Lucile Vignolles
Cast: Ahmed Ayed, Adrien de Biasi, Soazig De Staercke, Emmanuël Hennebert, Amber Kemp, Nicolas Laine, Héloïse Meire, Simon Wauters
Music: Boris Gronemberger
Puppets and masks: Loïc Nebreda, assisted by Isis Hauben, Maël Christyn, Ségolène Denis
Puppet trainee : Garance Bancel
Set design: Olivier Wiame assisted by Olivia Sprumont
Costumes: Camille Collin
Costume designer: Cinzia Derom
Costume trainee: Evy Demotte
Lighting: Xavier Lauwers
Choreography: Jérôme Louis
Set construction: Vincent Rutten
Stage management: Julie Bernaerts, Grégoire Tempels, Marc Defrise
Photos: Véronique Vercheval
Production manager: Nathalie Kamoun

Production: Compagnie Point Zéro
Coproduction: Théâtre de Poche / l’Atelier Théâtre Jean Vilar / Maison de la culture de Tournai / COOP asbl and Shelter Prod
Support: taxshelter.be, ING / Tax-shelter / Belgian federal government
With the support of: Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Centre des Arts Scéniques