• Djarama - Motus · Sénégal, Canada

Parole d’eau

French premiere
Past event
© Sylvie-Ann Paré
  • Friday 15 September, 14:00-14:50, Sévigné
  • Friday 15 September, 17:00-17:50, Sévigné
  • Saturday 16 September, 10:00-10:50, Sévigné
  • Saturday 16 September, 14:00-14:50, Sévigné
  • Saturday 16 September, 17:00-17:50, Sévigné
  • Sunday 17 September, 10:00-10:50, Sévigné


From 8 years old


  • Inhabited puppets
  • On table puppets
  • String puppets

They have made water the main character of this creation which brings together their two theatre companies. They respect this precious liquid so much that they represent it in all its forms, without ever spilling any. There is little Mamby with feet that burn on the sand while her friend Hélène’s feet are dying of heat in their snow boots.

Text, direction and acting: Mamby Wawine (ex Patricia Gomis), Hélène Ducharme
Music: Dramane Dembélé
Puppet and accessories: Jean Cummings, Claude Rodrigue
Earth and Water character: Alessandro Fanni
Costumes: Valentina Sartori
Light: Jérome Bérubé
Dramaturgical consultant: Jennifer Tremblay
Creation participation: Koffi Mens, Isabelle Chrétien, Claudine Rivest
Acknowledgement: Ramatoulaye Marone, Ramata Fanni, Pauline Tine, Olivier Guillochon et sa famille

Coproduction: Djarama (Sénégal) et Motus (Canada) en collaboration avec Dramane Dembélé
Acknowledgement: CITF pour son précieux support via son programme de coproduction internationale / Conseil des Arts du Canada / Conseil des Arts et les Lettres du Québec / Conseil des Arts de Longueuil / Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec / la Fondation Cole